
Grievance Redressal Cell

Grievance Redressal Cell

 Grievance Redressal Cell Members

S. No. Name of the Faculty Designation Department Role Email ID Contact no.
1 Dr. B. Maruthu Kannan Principal - Nodal Officer - 1 nprcetprincipal@nprcolleges.org 7373444449
2 Mrs. C. Priya Dharshini Assistant Professor AI & DS Nodal Officer - 2 priyadharshinic@nprcolleges.org -
3 Dr. V. Vijayanarayanan Head of the Department CSE Nodal Officer - 3 vijayanarayananv@nprcolleges.org -
4 Mrs. C. Kannika Parameshwari Assistant Professor ECE Nodal Officer - 4 kannika@nprcolleges.org -
5 Dr. S. Saranya Assistant Professor MBA Nodal Officer - 5 saranyas@nprcolleges.org -


Email:  helpdeskgrc@nprcolleges.org